Dallas area hiring: employment education fair to be held Friday

Dallas area hiring: employment education fair to be held Friday

Although North Texas enjoys a low unemployment rate hovering around 4 percent, some Dallas residents find it hard to secure viable long-term employment. To answer this need, the nonprofit Dallas Team Community has partnered with the Dallas Mayor’s Office and the GrowSouth Initiative to hold a Hiring Fair from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday at the Southwest Center Mall.

The Fair will target opportunities and employment education available within the community for ex-offenders and those with felony backgrounds. Human resources and hiring managers will take applications and conduct onsite interviews.

The mission of Dallas Team Community is to reinvigorate those who have failed to thrive in the traditional systems of society by providing training and education that will enhance and exhibit people’s strengths. “These events let those people striving to get back into the workforce know that it’s not a hopeless cause,” said Luis Cabrera, CEO of Dallas Team Community.

The Hiring Fair is also a key component of the City’s GrowSouth Initiative, a strategy to build a foundation for sustainable growth, short-term and long-term infrastructure and capital improvements in Southern Dallas. Key components of GrowSouth include strengthening and engaging neighborhoods, creating financial and investment funds and rebranding by highlighting the various opportunities throughout Southern Dallas.

For more information on GrowSouth visit: http://www.dallasgrowsouth.com/.

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