Fourth Annual Equity Indicators Symposium hosted at Paul Quinn College
The Office of Equity and Inclusion (OEI), in partnership with Communities Foundation of Texas will be hosted the Fourth Annual Equity Indicators Symposium, a hybrid event which took place at Paul Quinn College from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday, January 13, 2023, with a virtual livestreaming option. Residents, businesses, organizations, and other key stakeholders were invited to join the City of Dallas to explore national trends, City goals and Equity practices in education and philanthropy. The Symposium was centered around the recently adopted Racial Equity Plan (REP) aimed at addressing disparities found in the 2019 Dallas Equity Indicators Report.
The event will open with welcoming remarks from, Assistant City Manager Liz Cedillo-Pereira, and President of Paul Quinn College, Dr. Michael Sorrell. A video will also be shared from District 11 Councilmember and Chair of Workforce, Education, and Equity Committee Jaynie Schultz.
“This year’s Equity Indicators Symposium is especially significant with the adoption of the Racial Equity Plan in 2022 which serves as the City’s blueprint for the advancement of equity,” said Assistant City Manager Liz Cedillo-Pereira. “We are honored to be joined by local and national partners to align city, educational and philanthropic efforts to boldly address racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic disparities” said Cedillo-Pereira.
Speakers from national organizations will also be in attendance including Living Cities, National League of Cities, panel discussions and a Gallery Walk to learn how to be a part of making Dallas the most Equitable City in the Country.
“I am thrilled to be part of the City of Dallas’ 2023 Equity Indicators Symposium,” said Living Cities Associate Director of Public Sector Innovation, Elizabeth Reynoso. “As part of our Closing the Gaps Network, Dallas is part of a vanguard group of cities that are transforming government policies, practices, and operations to create economic activity that benefits all their residents. From the adoption of their Racial Equity Plan to their financial commitment, and rigorous data tracking to accountability to residents, together the City’s efforts demonstrate a commitment that other local governments should look to replicate if they want to close racial income and wealth gaps in their cities,” said Reynoso.
Included is the recording to view at your convenience:
2023 Equity Indicators Symposium.