After-storm tree assessment and care

After-storm tree assessment and care

Trees provide shade, clean air, reduce stormwater and urban runoff, and add value to your home, but when they’re damaged by storms or strong winds, it can affect more than you think. The damage can permanently wound trees and limit or completely deter future growth

Below are a few tips to help you determine if you need professional help and what to do if your tree must be removed and replaced.

How do I know if my tree needs professional help?

Storm-damaged trees should always be assessed by an International Society of Arboriculture Certified Arborist. You can find one here: Arborists are specially trained in the cultivation and management of trees, shrubs, vines, and other woody plants.

Should I trim or cut down my tree myself?

Storm-damaged trees could be hiding internal rips and tears. If your tree was within a high wind area, be sure to have your tree assessed first.

What should I look for in trees that weathered the storm?

Watch trees carefully over the coming months for bulging bark, breaking or dying limbs or leaves not emerging in Spring.

For more tips and information about tree management, visit our partners at Texas Trees Foundation and use their tree damage assessment tool here.



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