City of Dallas launches new Dallas Forestry Website
Urban forests play an important role in a city by filtering air and water, controlling storm water, conserving energy, and providing animal habitat and shade. To help Dallas residents learn more about the forest right in their own backyard, a new resource, the Dallas Forestry Website, is available where key information can be found.
Opportunities for residents to explore and learn about the efforts underway are listed on the site including information on the Emerald Ash Borer, tree plantings, volunteer opportunities and the recent acceptance of the Urban Forest Master Plan.
Dallas has a vast urban forest, including approximately 6,000-acre Great Trinity Forest. City staff maintains existing trees, plants new trees and provides trees to residents to plant in their yards or along their street.
Per American Forests, over 140 million acres of America’s forests are in cities and towns. Urban forestry is defined as protection, planting, and care of trees in an urban and suburban environment.
Urban forestry involves both the planning and management of the urban forest because the right tree, planted in the right place, in the right way, help to promote the many benefits of trees to people, wildlife, and the climate. The City’s annual Branch Out Dallas Tree Giveaway Program gives Dallas residents a FREE 5-gallon tree for their yard. Open registration begins September 1st and ends September 30, 2021. Residents may choose from one of five Texas trees. To register visit Branch Out Dallas.
2021 has brought about two priorities for the Forestry Task Force: The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) and a tree inventory for all public lands. Learn more about the Emerald Ash Borer here.
The Forestry website information will continually be updated to highlight helpful videos and upcoming events for the community.