City Council Briefing Agenda Revised
The February 6, 2019, Council Briefing’s order of business has been revised to accommodate public speakers for the scheduled hearing on the juvenile curfew. Council will begin with the Voting Agenda, followed by the Public Hearing, then close with Briefings outlined below:
Voting Agenda
- 19-242 Approval of Minutes of the January 2, 2019, City Council Meeting
- 19-243 Consideration of appointments to boards and commissions and the evaluation and duties
of board and commission members
Public Hearing
- 19-178 A public hearing to receive comments on the reinstatement of the Dallas juvenile curfew ordinance, which provides daytime and nighttime curfew hours for minors – Financing: No cost consideration to the City
- Options for The Confederate Monument
- Bulk and Brush Collections Program – Update
Due to the timing of the meeting change, Mayor Rawlings will revise the order of business on the floor once the meeting is called to order.