State of the art playground coming to Flag Pole Hill
Flag Pole Hill is getting a new addition that all families will be able to enjoy. The layout of the newly re-designed playground focuses on all-inclusive elements designed to accommodate children on the Autism spectrum for alone play, as well as elements that address mobility issues for caregivers, like grandparents and older adults.
“The mosaic of different surfaces and textures encourages children of different ages to play with each other, encouraging learning and cooperation,” said Park Board Vice President Robb Stewart.
Additionally, parts of the playground will be constructed beneath trees to provide shade on hot summer days.
Construction and design of the Flag Pole Hill playground will be paid for through a combination of 2017 Bond Funds and thoughtful gifts from the Jordan Spieth Family Foundation, Lake Highlands Junior Women’s League, Lake Highlands Exchange Club, Lake Highlands Women’s League, For The Love of the Lake nonprofit.
“We are thrilled with the public support of our parks shown in voting in favor of the 2017 November bond,” says Dallas City Councilmember Adam McGough, “as well as the generosity and dedication of our local nonprofits to making sure Dallas and especially Lake Highlands is a wonderful place to live”
The Flag Pole Hill playground project is expected to be completed in Fall 2018, at an approximate cost of $750,000.
Notes: Flag Pole Hill is a 107.1-acre metropolitan park, established in 1929. It includes natural and developed area for a variety of outdoor recreation activities such as ball fields, playgrounds, boating, fishing, swimming, picnicking, and trail systems.