Residents are encouraged to be aware of high-water conditions
The heavy rainfall may create high-water conditions throughout the City. The public is advised to be smart, use caution and heed all warning signs when approaching flooded streets, streams, or any body of water. Turn Around. Don’t Drown.
Residents are encouraged to call 311 to report street flooding conditions, avoid driving through flooded roadways and/or flooded lanes.
Should you find yourself in a situation that prevents you from driving safely or in danger, please call 911. City staff maintains over 1,800 miles of storm drainage pipe through regular inspection, cleaning, repair and emergency response. The City has approximately 700 miles of creeks and channels that convey water to the Trinity River through a series of pump stations that have been in operation since Sunday. All crews are working in the field to address concerns and will continue to work throughout this week as the rain is projected to continue. For up-to-date rainfall conditions in Dallas, please see the link below:
Observe these basic safety rules. They could save your life.
- Heed all warning signs
- Watch for rising water levels
- Know where high ground is and move there quickly if you see or hear rapidly rising water
- Do not attempt to cross through flowing water or standing water when you do not know its depth
- Do no try to drive through flooded areas — most flood-related deaths occur in automobiles
- If your vehicle stalls, abandon it and seek higher ground immediately
- Be especially cautious at night
- Follow the advice of local emergency management officials before going on area lakes or rivers
The public is advised to follow the National Weather Service recommendation, “Turn Around. Don’t Drown.” and be aware of the dangers of driving or walking into flooded areas.