FEMA recognizes the City for its Floodplain Management Practices
The City of Dallas received recognition from FEMA Region 6 for its Class 4 Rating in the Community Rating System (CRS) Program. FEMA’s Region 6 Mitigation Division Director, Mr. Gary Zimmerer presented the award to Mr. Steve Parker, the City of Dallas Floodplain Administrator.
The rating recognizes the City’s floodplain management practices.
Dallas is the first community to reach a Level 4 in Texas and is the highest ranked community in Texas. Per the preliminary list of communities published by FEMA in April of 2022, there are only six other communities in the United States with a Class 4 ranking in the CRS program.
The City has participated in the Community Rating System Program since 1991; over 1,500 communities participate nationwide. The CRS program is a voluntary incentive program that recognizes and encourages community floodplain management practices that exceed the minimum requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
The Class 4 Rating allows Dallas residents residing within the Special Flood Hazard Area (100-year floodplain) to receive a 30% discount on their flood insurance costs, and residents who live outside of the Special Flood Hazard Area (100-year floodplain) to receive a 10% discount on their flood insurance costs.
In CRS communities, the rating and flood insurance premium discounts reflect the reduced flood risk from the community’s efforts that address the three goals of the program:
- Reduce and avoid flood damage to insurable property
- Strengthen and support the insurance aspects of the National Flood Insurance Program
- Foster comprehensive floodplain management
Dallas residents are encouraged to consider purchasing flood insurance for their properties at a discounted rate. To learn more, visit National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
For questions regarding Dallas Water Utilities’ Floodplain and Drainage Management Program call 214-948-4690 or [email protected].