DPD aggressive panhandling initiative nets 138 violations
The Dallas Police Department (DPD) began an initiative on Feb. 1 to address aggressive panhandling in and around the downtown area.
Targeted locations included all of the 7-11 and CVS stores in the downtown area, the curves for SB I-45 to WB I-30 and into the canyon area of I-30. DPD also addressed West End restaurants and patios along businesses along the core of Main, Elm, and Commerce streets.
DPD emphasized that this not a zero-tolerance operation, but an effort to impact aggressive and unsafe behavior associated with panhandling. DPD recognizes the acts of walking into the streets and highways to approach vehicle occupants and demand money as being aggressive.
Additionally, blocking or impeding sidewalks to coerce money from pedestrians is seen as aggressive, as is standing at or in front of a business demanding money as patrons enter and exit, and shouting obscenities when money is not given. Officers who view such aggressive panhandling behavior can make arrests.
Aggressive panhandling subjects are arrested and taken to Lew Sterrett. If they must be taken to Parkland for pre-existing medical issues, they are taken to Parkland for treatment and issued a citation.
The initiative is not a focus on the homeless, but a focus on aggressive panhandlers. Some arrestees have residences. Some have had more than $100 dollars on them at the time of their arrest. One lives with his parents, and another said he is supplementing his savings account.
During February 1st – 11th the initiative produced the following results:
• 138 total violations
• 128 custodial arrests
• 10 citations
• 19 of which had other outstanding warrants
• 33 have violent criminal histories