Dallas Fire-Rescue replacement station #44 to open Tuesday

Dallas Fire-Rescue replacement station #44 to open Tuesday

Dallas Fire-Rescue (DFR) will open its new replacement fire station, No. 44, at 2025 Lagow St. at 10 a.m. Tuesday March 15. The new station replaces the nearby older facility which had served the City since 1959.

At nearly 13,000 square-feet, the new station will accommodate up to 12 firefighters and four emergency apparatus. Accommodations include stained concrete floors, updates offices, a conference room, a separate laundry room and fitness center, stainless steel appliances and countertops, and individual bathrooms and showers.

Like other recently-opened DFR stations, the apparatus bay is equipped with bi-fold bay doors designed to open horizontally in a fraction of the time of the previous over-head rolling doors. The $3.8 million station was funded by a bond package approved by voters in 2006.

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