Dallas City Council passes city’s first Racial Equity Resolution
The Dallas City Council unanimously voted on Wednesday, March 24 to approve the City’s first Racial Equity Resolution.
The resolution reaffirms the City of Dallas’ commitment to promote equity through all policies of the city and enhance efforts aimed at understanding, addressing, and dismantling racism and how it affects the delivery of human and social services, economic development, and public safety.
“This is a historic day for the City of Dallas,” said City Councilmember Casey Thomas, II of District 3, who chairs the Workforce, Education, and Equity Committee and has long been a proponent of racial equity in all city policies and spending. “Specifically, when we discuss racial equity, we mean the development of policies, practices, and investment in the community to reverse racial disparities and dismantling institutional racism,” said Thomas.
The City of Dallas Equity Indicators report shows that, historically, policies and practices have disparately impacted education, job attainment, housing, and many quality of life indicators for people of color in Dallas.

Screenshot of results from Dallas’ Equity Score.
To address these issues, the City will work with the community to find innovative solutions, resources and leverage partnerships with other organizations that are confronting racism. The resolution also directs the city manager to begin working with external stakeholders to prepare a racial equity plan.
“What’s good for the underserved in certain areas of this community is good for the entire community because it brings a balance to the tax base as well as allocation of resources,” said City Manager T.C. Broadnax. “This resolution will provide guidance and support for City staff to keep equity at the forefront,” he said.
“Equity is a core value for the City of Dallas and this resolution not only reaffirms the City’s commitment to equity, but it also calls for the development of the first-ever comprehensive racial equity plan building on the efforts accomplished to date,” said Chief of Equity and Inclusion Liz Cedillo-Pereira. “We look forward to working alongside our internal departments, policymakers, community, and civic stakeholders to envision a city where we all thrive, and race and ethnicity no longer are predictors of outcomes.”
This resolution further proves how the City of Dallas is committed to making equity a priority for its residents of all racial, ethnic, and national origins, and will make equity a focal point through all its policies, initiatives, and programs.
View the resolution here.