Dallas Animal Services Hosts Kitten Shower
Dallas Animal Services (DAS) is hosting a “Kitten Shower” on Saturday, March 16 from 1 to 5 p.m. This free event is an opportunity for the public to learn about neonatal kittens, tour the kitten nursery, and receive training on the care and feeding of these fragile baby animals. Anyone interested in fostering kittens or volunteering in the DAS Kitten Nursery is welcomed to come. DAS will also be collecting donations of supplies such as baby blankets, heating pads, and kitten formula.
DAS takes in more than 2,000 orphaned kittens every year, many of whom need round-the-clock care. From April to October, DAS operates a 24/7 Kitten Nursery provide constant care for kittens until they can be placed in a foster home. We need interested fosters and adopters to help use care for this vulnerable population. If you can’t volunteer or foster, consider donating kitten supplies to support our neonatal program.
To learn more about how to help kittens and the Kitten Shower, visit BeDallas90.org.