Dallas 311 Hosts Press Conference Launching Upgraded Bilingual 311 Features
The City of Dallas was pleased to announce the official launch of the Dallas 311 rebranding campaign at its press conference hosted at City Hall on March 8, 2024.
Dallas 311 allows City of Dallas residents and visitors to request non-emergency City services. The event showcased the new online portal and mobile app, both of which underwent a significant redesign to provide residents with a fresh and improved experience.
The App was upgraded to ensure a better customer service experience by incorporating enhanced features and new technology. This particular upgrade was important to Dallas 311 because it allowed for the Spanish translation functionality.
Key enhancements included:
• Spanish Translation: A significant step forward in inclusivity.
• New Look and Feel: A modern and user-friendly design.
• Improved Map Functionality: Enhanced mapping features for easy navigation.
“Dallas is proud to be the first major City in Texas to launch a 311 mobile app that is completely in Spanish. Spanish is the second most spoken language in our City and being able to offer this Spanish mobile app to our community is a huge accomplishment.” said Daisy Torres Fast, Director of 311.
The app is available to download on the Google and App Store. Service request submissions are still available online Dallas 311 Home (site.com) or by calling 311.
About Dallas 311:
Dallas 311 is the City of Dallas’ customer service support center designed to help residents and visitors request non-emergency city services. Requests for city services can be submitted by calling 3-1-1, on the Dallas 311 mobile app, or on the online portal 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.