Code Cares for Dallas Residents in need
On April 19, Neighborhood Code Representative (NCR) Gabriel Edwards and Inspector David Cortez noticed an elderly resident from South Oak Cliff struggling with maintaining her property following the passing of a family member. The property had several violations for illegal outside storage. Our team sprung into action to help out and addressed the violations.
While doing so, our staff noticed another resident in the neighborhood also having trouble maintaining her property due to a collapsed garage in the backyard. Gabriel and David worked together to include other departments from Community Courts and Nuisance Abatement to open Code Cares cases to assist.
Empathy is one of the City of Dallas’ core values and through the quick action of everyone involved along with the Code Cares program, two residents got the assistance they needed.
Code Cares is a program by Code Compliance Services with the goal of aiding Dallas residents who are elderly or disabled and do not have the monetary resources to address violations on their property. For more information about the Code Cares initiative, contact 214-671-5708.