City’s Senior Services Program working to reduce hunger among Dallas seniors
The City of Dallas is taking steps to reduce senior hunger in the community and to ensure that as many citizens as possible can live a healthy life.
“The healthy choices in your food will help you live longer and have a better quality of life,” said Senior Services Program Valencia Hooper-Alexander. “Research has shown that many of the diseases we suffer from today are a result of how we eat.”
Hooper-Alexander recommends making smarter choices at the grocery – for your health and for your wallet. “Instead of getting that candy bar when you have a sugar need, consider some grapes or an apple or a grapefruit. Also, look at what is in season, you’ll be able to get it at a better price and it’ll be better for you.”
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits are also available for eligible seniors and applying is easy. Call 3-1-1, Senior Services at (214) 670-5227. visit City Hall or any City recreation center or apply online at
Below you will also find a cookbook created for those on a SNAP budget developed by the Jewish Family Services and the National Council of Jewish Women. These can be used to help stay on track health-wise and also save money.
“Three Dallas zip codes (75216, 75217 and 75228) have seniors living there that have not applied for SNAP. More than a thousand seniors in those zip codes that are eligible for SNAP have not applied, and we encourage them to do so,” Hooper-Alexander said.
“We are there for them. There more than 100,000 seniors in the city of Dallas and we are doing our best to educate them and provide as much assistance as we can so that they can live with quality and dignity.”