City’s Public Safety Committee gets update on DPD Safelight Program
The City’s Public Safety Committee received an update from the Dallas Police Department on April 25 concerning the red-light photo enforcement safety initiative known as Safelight.
Safelight was established to deploy photo enforcement cameras to remedy the high number of right angle collisions and the related injuries and fatalities due to drivers running red lights. Safelight has functioned as a force multiplier for DPD, freeing up officers to focus on answering 911 calls and conducting investigations.
One significant change to the Safelight program will occur on June 1 when credit bureaus will no longer honor delinquent payment credit marking requests and remove existing markings already on record. In lieu of credit marking, as of June 2, delinquent Safelight citation payers will have their annual vehicle registration withheld, mirroring a procedure already in place at Municipal Courts.
The Committee made the recommendation to send forward a request to the full Council for a continuation of the program through the Request for Competitive Sealed Proposal process.
To view a copy of the presentation, click here.