City of Dallas provides mutual aid to help neighborhoods after devastating tornadoes

Neighbors helping neighbors is a natural response after a disaster, and the City of Dallas is no exception. Mutual Aid allows for communities to help communities when resources are needed to respond to disasters.

When Rowlett and Dallas County called for extra help, after December’s devastating tornadoes, Dallas sent teams and vehicles from Sustainable Development and Trinity Watershed Management to inspect building and help with debris removal. Dallas Fire-Rescue and the Dallas Police Department helped with emergency calls and security issues.

And when the call came for trained volunteers, Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) volunteers scrambled to help.

“Our CERT volunteers were invaluable,” said CERT Program Manager Cassandra Wallace. “Dallas CERT was part of 280 volunteers and 23 teams in the area that came out to use their specialized training to support response activity.”

Though the initial response is over, recovery has just begun. The Office of Emergency Management (OEM) remains available to support response and recovery. For those who would like to join the volunteer effort, CERT classes begin Jan. 16. To register visit: And for information on local hazards and how to prepare visit:


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