City of Dallas Hosts the City Manager’s Boards and Commissions Luncheon

Event lineup included Mayor Pro Tem Tennell Atkins, Honorable Zarin D. Gracey, City Manager T.C. Broadnax, and Deputy City Manager Kim Bizor Tolbert  

 The City of Dallas celebrated National Volunteer Month by hosting the City Manager’s Boards and Commissions Luncheon, on Saturday, April 20, 2024. Appointed City of Dallas Board and Commission members were invited to attend this celebratory event that thanked these special volunteers for the role they play in providing direction and bringing forth recommendations for City operations and programming.  Long-standing members that have served on boards and commissions with the City for over ten years were honored for their volunteer spirit and civic engagement. 

The program highlighted the work and City staff coordinators of the boards and commissions, shared Cultural Arts Pop-up Performances, and promoted Visit Dallas

10 Years of Service Awardees were,  Scott Hounsel, Tony Shidid, and Diane Sherman. 

About the City of Dallas Boards and Commissions: The Mayor, City Council, and City Manager appoint residents and community leader to boards and commissions to provide recommendations and/or approve City services and programs. Board and Commission members volunteer  hours annually sharing their time and expertise and enjoy learning more about the City through their membership. More information can be found at and here

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