Public Works to host second online public meeting on Richmond Avenue Project
The City of Dallas Department of Public Works hosted a virtual public meeting at 6 p.m. on March 2 to update residents on the status of the Richmond Avenue resurfacing project from Abrams Road to Matilda Street.
The meeting included a brief presentation and an open discussion with City staff and Councilmember David Blewett. The full presentation can be viewed here:
The full meeting recording can be viewed here:
Additionally, City staff asked the public to participate in a follow-up online survey to garner feedback on two proposed street restriping options. The survey results will be used as part of the ongoing design process.
Residents can participate in the English or Spanish versions of the survey by clicking one of the two links below.
For questions or comments regarding the Richmond Avenue resurfacing project, please contact Ryan Wagoner at [email protected] or call 214-507-4443.