PAL Scholars get financial head start
The Dallas Police Athletic/Activities League (PAL) graduated its first group of PAL Scholars on November 30. PAL Scholars is designed to increase the students’ financial knowledge, expand writing skills and cover necessary career essentials like interviewing, ethics and etiquette. The program gives students tools and information that lay the foundation for a successful college career and a financial head start.
The program is a collaboration between the Dallas Police Department (DPD), the Caruth Police Institute (CPI) and University of North Texas-Dallas (UNT-D). The classes were taught by DPD Senior Corporal Justin Ewald and members of UNT-D’s faculty and staff.
The next session of PAL Scholars starts in January. Thanks to the program’s success, PAL Scholars is being expanded for fall 2016 and will include a three-semester curriculum to further broaden the students’ understanding of the subjects covered.
For more information on Dallas’ PAL visit: