Dallas Public Works seeks input on sidewalk plan
The City of Dallas Department of Public Works will host an online public meeting from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on March 18 to discuss the Dallas Sidewalk Master Plan (SWMP) and answer questions from the public about its purpose and implementation.
The goal of the SWMP is to improve and expand Dallas’ sidewalk network to create a more walkable, safe and explorable city for all visitors and residents. To accomplish this, the SWMP will take a public participation and data-driven approach to better understand the sidewalk needs of Dallas.
City staff will provide a brief presentation about the SWMP and introduce the new online hub for the program, dallassidewalk.com.
Residents can participate in the meeting on desktop computers or mobile devices via Microsoft Teams or by calling the conference number. The Microsoft Teams meeting link and conference number are listed in the instructions below.
The meeting recording and presentation will be posted here and the SWMP website for viewing after the meeting for interested residents who are unable to attend.
How to participate in the online public meeting?
For desktop users (Requires Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge):
- Click the following link to join the meeting: http://bit.ly/SMPMeeting0318
- For additional assistance, please view these instructions: Join a meeting without a Teams Account
For mobile device users (Requires Microsoft Teams app):
- Follow the instructions listed here to join the meeting: Microsoft Teams Public Meeting for Mobile Devices
- Tap the following link to join the meeting: http://bit.ly/SMPMeeting0318
For conference call/dial-in users:
- Call the conference number listed below and enter the Conference ID on your phone’s number pad.
- Conference #: 469-217-7604
- Conference ID: 132 593 943#
For more information about the SWMP, please visit dallassidewalk.com. Residents who have questions about the public meeting or who need further assistance to join, please contact Ryan Wagoner at [email protected].