City of Dallas to host listening sessions for off street-parking amendments
DALLAS – Listening sessions for Off-Street Parking Code Amendments are taking place on Friday, Aug. 4 and Aug 10.
These sessions will be virtual.
The Aug. 4 session will start at noon. Residents can join by clicking here. The Aug. 10 session begins at 6 p.m., and residents can log in here.
Led by Dallas Planning & Urban Design staff, these listening sessions resume long-anticipated code amendment study of off-street parking and loading requirements. The study began in 2019 at the request of the City Plan Commission but was paused in 2021 due to staff and departmental reorganization.
Joining the ranks of world cities who are encouraging alternative modes of transportation and more efficient land usage, amendments up for discussion include minimum parking requirements, building a transportation demand management program, and shaping design guidelines to ensure parking provision does not continue to be a barrier for a walkable, prosperous, and attractive city.
Policy goals guiding the study are found in the Climate & Environmental Comprehensive Action Plan (CECAP), Connect Dallas Strategic Mobility Plan and ForwardDallas! Comprehensive Plan, among others.
For questions or comments, contact Michael Wade, Senior Planner, at [email protected].