Changes to City’s public records request process
Effective September 1, 2019, the process for requesting public records from the City of Dallas will change in response to the state’s adoption of Senate Bill 944.
The Texas Legislature amended the Public Information Act to specify exactly how members of the public may submit a public information request to a governmental agency. To comply with the law, all emailed public information requests, including requests for the Dallas Police Department, must be sent to [email protected].
Any requests emailed to the address associated with police records requests — [email protected]— will be deemed not received.
The public may request information electronically by using the City of Dallas Public Information Request Portal; by sending an email to [email protected] ; hand delivery to Police Department headquarters or to City Secretary’s Office, 5th Floor; and by mail to Open Records/Dallas Police Open Records Unit, 1400 South Lamar Street, 1st Floor, Dallas, Texas 75215
Requests sent via fax will no longer be accepted beginning Sept. 1.