CDBG After School/Summer outreach program impacts children

CDBG After School/Summer outreach program impacts children

Did you know that the Dallas Park and Recreation Department – CDBG After-School/Summer Outreach Program has impacted over 55,000 children ages 6-12 with environmental, cultural, recreational, life skill and enrichment activities and serves an average of 3,000 children per year? Also, did you know that the After-School/Summer program has produced its own leaders?

The CDBG After-School/Summer Outreach Program provides outreach for after school and summer activities for youth (ages 6-12), Monday through Friday. Youth participate in a structured recreational, cultural, social and life skill activities in an adult-supervised, safe and clean environment. Through a collaborative effort with the Dallas Independent School District (DISD), after-school programming is provided at four (4) Dallas Community Centers and twenty (20) elementary schools located throughout the City.

Summer programming is only available Monday through Thursday because school sites are closed on Fridays during summer months. Approximately 2,700 youth benefit from this program, over 60% from single-parent households. Activities include field trips, health and fitness activities and enrichment activities such as art, dance, and live animal classes. Through DISD, certified teachers provide tutoring to program participants and expanded additional activities including sports or other enrichment programming.

 Initial requests for an after-school/summer program came from Dallas Area Interfaith and citizens participation of communicated their needs at City town hall meetings. The result of citizen participation and engagement the program started in 1994 with 6 sites. Over 70% of the children are from a single female head of household.

Program Goals:

  • Provide a safe environment for youth with well-trained staff
  • Offer a variety of quality leisure activities
  • Provide an environment for encouraging improved academic performance
  • Provide an environment that encourages personal development

Standards of Care:

  • Adopted by Dallas City Council, the Standards of Care are minimum standards by which the city will operate its youth programs. They specify requirements for staff training, qualifications and inspections.

Proven Performance:

  • Satisfaction surveys from parents and principles over the past 5 year period have given the program a “very satisfied” rating.

Over 50% of after school sites have a waiting list of children

PKR_J. JenkinsJohn Jenkins, Deputy Director, Park and Recreation
Worked in CDBG’s After School Program for two years in 1995 when the program began.
Now Park and Recreation Deputy Director



PKR_S.GarzaSergio Garza, Youth Services Manager, Park and Recreation
Participant in Fireside CDBG AS Program; now manages the entire 24 site AS program

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