Yikes! Flooding brings increase in local snake population

Yikes! Flooding brings increase in local snake population

Besides more mosquitos and fire ants, recent flooding along the Trinity River has also brought an increase in the snake population. One bright note, according to the Dallas Zoo’s Curator of Herpetology Ruston Hartdegen, is that most snakes in north Texas aren’t poisonous.

“Most snakes in North Texas are not venomous but there are a couple of varieties (Copperheads and Water Moccasins) that are,” said Hartdegen. “In fact, most snakes are more scared of you and won’t attack unless you provoke them,” he said.

To discourage snakes, Hartdegen recommends removing debris in your yard or around your house such as piles of wood, bricks or clutter and control rodents because mice and rats are natural prey for snakes. And keep vegetation and grass in your yard to a minimum height, so snakes can’t hide there.

What should you do if you encounter a snake?

Stay away from it, Hartdegen says. If you’re in your garage or home, the best thing to do is to use a broom and shoo it away. If you are bitten and don’t know if the reptile is venomous, call 911 or go to the emergency room immediately.


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